Wednesday, 22 February 2012

deamons so far

so far iv painted 2 scenic bases and 1 deamon prince and 4 horrors    i have remaining to paint

33 bases 
2 chariots of tzeentch
6 feinds of slaanesh
10 plague bearers
2 heralds of tzeentch

and i have to buy all of the above as well as paint it

heres some pics of wat i have painted so far

the horrors will have similar bases to the deamon prince and LOC they just havent arrived yet

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


wat have i been doin?   well iv finished my dark eldar and entered 2 tournaments during my absence from the blogosphere  their now at a 50% win ratio which is pretty  gd and im happy with it

wats next?  well iv decided to finish my deamons of chaos and nothing  gets an army finished quicker than entering a tourny which will be held in april 

heres the list its 1750

herald of tzeentch
chariot and bolt of change

crushers x
fury of khorne

feinds x6

horrors x10
changeling / bolt of change

horrors x5
bolt of change

horrors x5
bolt of change

plaguebearers x5

deamon prince
mark of tzeentch
bolt of change

deamon prince
mark of tzeentch
bolt of change

how does it work?  i kno deamons are a rare army so ill go through it as per the new blog  :) 

the army has 2 split into groups    and most games ill be facing mech armies so ill split like this
group 1:  2 heralds 2 deamon princes (1 with might)  feinds crushers
group 2: everything else

with this i have 4 bolts in each   but group1 is stronger havin more heavily armoured units.  highest priority is 2 destory troops transports so that my crushers and feinds can make short work of them.  the long range and high mobility means i can swiftly move key units like the feinds heralds and princes the crushers are quite slow so theyll be a distraction unit.

keep the troops in reserve give me a better chance of winning objective missions 

ill post up my lord of change who will act as my DP with might as a step by step in my next blog