Saturday, 28 November 2015

testing the war concotion


Image result for sad panda meme

and that pretty much sums up the first run with the war concoction!!!

so wat was I up against

it was a pretty basic  marine list with raptors chapter tactics  they get a redeploy n scout n stealth n rending bolt guns no lias issodon tho!

it was crammed full of 5 man units and transports such as drop pods and rhino/razorbacks  and they went first!!

and it was an amazing first turn  my knight titan died lol  and I lost both the infiltrators/rust stalkers lol great start lol

this was gd tho as I got to see how the list would work when its not at optimum levels

my vanguard n destroyers came in and then went to work on his units the canticles and blessings workin really well to keep me in the game at each turn

the destroyers survived at lot longer with FNP and T5   the  massed cover reduction also helped to make it easier to remove models as well I can see ths being really gd against armies that can spam lots of cover

I did forget some rules like rangers -1 to WS and things like that but more games n ill get better the next tournament I go 2 ill do a crib sheet n take them!!  jus need 2 practice with the timings

and I need 2 remember that even with all the special rules n things they are still a fragile army overall n ill not b able to stand n jus repeatedly shoot things

Sunday, 22 November 2015


so overall the day went really well  playing  ITC modified missions were really fun and mean choices were made on a turn by turn basis rather than going a few in front.

the armies that were around were quite varied  nids deamonkin necrons tau lots of elder n even harlequins.

quite a few titans were knocking around including a bio titan lol

another note on ITC style missions meant that even if u cant really take on the army u can still wrack up some points which is awesome

another bonus was that a tabling only gave u 5+ points so it stops ppl from playin uber aggressive and forces you to focus on grabbing objectives instead

and onto the main and important stuff the armies!!

game 1
 Image result for space wolves meme

so it was marines and thankfully not that stupid gladius strike force!!  woooo!!  he took a dreadnought wolfstar termies razorback rhino and grey hunters/blood claws as troops

best bit of this game was termies took 5 turns to do nothing!!  that's right they did pretty much naff all 

I did end up losing my wraithknight turn 2 in combat to the wolfstar :( sad times

the absurd shooting/movment caused my opponent no end of problems I pretty much mowed him down

win 2 eldar !!!

game 2
Image result for eldar meme

was pretty much wat happens  also the army was amazingly painted and slightly freaky as it was the same style of blue as mine even down to his wraithblades ( I kno lol)  being the same style of purple n blue lol

I have a slightly new found appreciation for wraithblades that are fortuned they were really hard 2 kill ended up with 3 left in the unit at the end of the game!!

lost the wraithknight early again in combat

he had an aspect host with fire dragons/reapers/ scorpions but went +1 bs

avatar  falcon and 1 serpent with lances

scatter bikes with only 1 scatter laser

farseer on foot and bike n that's it

he stole the initiative and wasn't expecting it so he pretty much jus ran everything forward playing aggressive I spent pretty much 2 turns trying 2 repel a buffed up wraithblade unit but they eventually got into me n charged n killed my warlord and wraithguard

I got first blood with my wraithknight killing his wraithlord with a roll of 6 lol

it was 1 objective each and made the mistake of not taking out the reapers quicker that let him grab points quicker as I was rolling terribly so he managed to get a few points a lot quicker than me

a big mistake was turn 3 ish he needed 2 get 2 my objective 2 get 2 points  but shot with his bike unit that gave me more time to whittle down his units and then when they did turbo in I was n luck n rolled well for kill a unit n get 3 units in my deployment zone and no enemy so I clawed some back

the big turn for me was taking out the reapers and getting a serpent into his deployment and on the objective getting me 4 points for the end of the game and as it ended with me on turn 5 I cud re take my objective with a scoring unit from his avatar 


game 3
Image result for tau meme

so this normally doesn't happen but here I am table 1 against tau and the ghost cadre formation is just 1 reason y I dropped tau  

ghost keel  and 2 units of stealth teams   they auto hit rear armour crap!!!! lol 
next thing was a huge unit of crisis suits with buffmander and every and any gun u can think of and 5 drones shield/gun

2 units of normal guys
2 ramoras
2 tetras
riptide n this flyer thing

I went first n went 2 town on him lol  he only had the stealth suits riptide and ghostkeel + fire warriors on the board

I used my serpent shields 2 kill off the tetras and the spiders 2 pepper his stealth suits. he didn't do much but made mistakes of constantly trying 2 shoot my spiders so they kept flicker jumping out of the way of his units making his shooting far less effective than it should have been lol

this kinda happened until my turn 3 where his big unit of suits n things had killed a fire prism lol that was it dunno how many points it was but it was huge lol  and he managed 2 kill a 135pt tank lol

so after I crapped my self I turned the remaining fire prism 2 warp spiders 2 serpents and a unit of dire avengers at him and with some shenanigans I got rid of the drones n things first n then jus whittled down till only the commander and a suit remain!  I breathed a huge sigh of relief and after that controlled the board and game.

win for eldar!!!

so I won all 3 games and came in 2nd as scoring was done on pts n sum1 got 30points n leapt over me lol

overall most valuable unit was warp spiders the  huge movement plus awesome shooting meant they cud do most jobs I needed and when shot at were out of harms way or moved closer to contest objectives

will not leave home without them!!!

Friday, 20 November 2015

the chosen one!!

Image result for chosen one meme

nuthin funnier than fat Chinese kids lol

and were off!!  so ive finally chosen a list and its pretty obvious

spirit seer

scatter laser
shuriken canon
ghost walk matrix

avengers x5
scatter lasers
ghost walk matrix
x3 units

as a dire avenger shrine

warp spiders x5
x 3 units

aspect host

fire prisms
ghost walk matrix

 wraith knight

yes  chose elder  with a slight alteration I dropped the war walkers and replaced them with fire prisms

2 reasons really:

1.  the entire army when in range has  58 str6 n don't really need more  without avengers lol
2. I need some decent AP and fire prisms bring  AP1 for anti tank and AP3 for anti infantry  are solid choices

the list itself comes in at 1845

and a brucey bonus for taking the fire prims is they're durable and fast so they can take objectives which means I have better board control

ill write a review 2moz of the games n armies if I can remember them all lol

Monday, 9 November 2015


a localish place is running a small 20 man event  1850 1 LOW and apart from that their are no other restrictions lol

Image result for 40k that guy meme

so I need to decide on a list that A  will get me past that annoying  first game loss and B  take me onwards to glory

the first and most obvious choice is eldar

spirit seer

scatter laser
shuriken canon
ghost walk matrix

avengers x5
scatter lasers
ghost walk matrix
x3 units

as a dire avenger shrine

warp spiders x5
x 3 units

aspect host

war walkers x3
scatter lasers

wraith knight

loads of decent shooting  bs5 or twin linked  ghost walk has helped me loads of times 2 take objectives n keep my vehicles safe

down sides is no skyfire which means taking out flyers of either kind will be a pain

the next list chaos demons

lord of change
exalted gift


horrors x12
horrors x12

screamers x9


upside  its a fast hard hitting list with plenty of durability and those all important re-rolls for cover  screamers shield the MC's and belakor cast's shrouded and LOC makes him invisible  hes also a really gd detterent for wraithknights and knights with armourbane/fleshbane

lots of psychic dice can bring on more troops and units if needed

down side is that  lots of weight of fire will bring them down eventually and a bad turn means it will be hard 2 recover 

dark eldar




scourges x5
x3 units

void raven
x2 units

corpsethief claw
ichor injectors


windriders x3
scatter lasers

plus side lots of haywire can take down vehicles quickly and the corpsetheif is my answer to any death star that gets thrown at me with ID I can stop wraithknights and other stuff

downsides no psychic def  + lots of eldar/tau and the list crumbles really fast so not my best choice

finally war convocation
 tech priest
scryer skull
stasis field
infoslave skull

destroyers x3
x2 units

vanguard x10
plasma x3
data tether

conversion field
arc maul

rangers x5
data tether

arc maul
conversion field

princeps mask digi weapons conversion field

princeps radium digi weapons conversion field

las canon

dune crawler
heavy phosphor
mind scanner

knight crusader
storm spear


marines x5

drop pods x5

plus sides  loads of free stuff!! lots of kool rules  and combos

down side lots of rules!  with 4 codex's to read thru it realy is a mammoth task remembering wat everything does  and their is also a distinct lack of experience with the army as well

so  think the first choice is eldar followed by demons folled by ad mech with dark eldar in the rear lol