Thursday, 30 June 2016

war room 2 updates!

well war room 2 has updates so now I can log in on pretty much the first attempt! which is awesome iv also made a few lists based on models that I have and models that I want and over the next few posts ill go into them as well as some alternatives!

I was quite sceptical with legion but having seen some amazing combos I'm pretty pleased !!  I thought id go over in this post some models/combos that I have my eye on

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hex hunters and bayal

hex hunters lost some things but with bayal he brings them right back up!  giving them advanced deploy and with concealment they get stealth as well which is ace but the main reason is shadow bind  -3def on a unit is awesome.

warspears and chief
now these guys are stupidly good!   with prey and assault they combo up nicely with any of the  lylyth's  I think number 2 gives them the most overall boost  pin cushion for extra dice on ranged attacks and feat for double shots! but any caster that will give them a boost thru spells or feats is worth it kyrssa, bethayne and vayl are to name a few extras!

banshees and assassin
these guys are a lovely def15 jammer unit with stealth and immunity to blast damage they should be hard to shift.  they also have a sp6 pow 12 attack that stops the target from casting spells which is very nice it also combo's nicely with the hell mouth that has a -1 dice on dmg which means its safe from harm whilst pulling a tactic that they can soften up

legionaires and farilor
this is our go to brick unit!  sitting at arm17  with steel wall(in b2b with at least 1 model) mini feat gives +3 arm and feat from rhyas gives another +3 making them arm23 !!

still a top choice even at 18pts but now they are another unit that gels even more with lylyth than ever!  getting 10 poison shots or 3 dice on weapon master attack rolls!

now the beasts!
harrier is a new alternative for shredders as the animus is dodge after a missed attack the model can advance 2" ignoring free strikes!  better than tenacity !

ill group these all together the nephillim

the main thing is the animus within 10" of the bloodseer you pay an extra 1 for spells and double on upkeeps! and as a bonus they can be forced  to use other beasts animus

10 pts 23 boxes within 3" caster gets parry and +2 def against melee attack's  x2 and that's nearly a gargossal worth of boxes before u get to the caster!

is something I wudnt normally look at BUT those lil wings were enough to get flight and at sp6 they are pretty quick with massacre and threshold 10  and pns13 it will do some dmg !

super fast sp7 with stealth!  but not only that when checking if they are in control range u double it so ethag has a massive 28" range great for clogging up annoying solos or putting pressure on the caster !

d3 shots that remove stealth and -2 def for 1 turn!  although slipstream has been changed its still worth while taking as most heavies are sp5 a 2" boost is pretty gd

and that's it

Saturday, 18 June 2016

painting stuff

so ive done shed loads of painting things and here they are!

first off my necrons!  the lord needs his base drybrushing and washing then necrons are fully done!

next up legion of everblight the archangel has been done for a while but not been able to get a gd picture!

finally iv started painting bayal and denny1 so they shud be done this weekend and then I have a full cryx battle group ready for mk3 and the legion fully done as well!

Sunday, 12 June 2016

war room 2 !!

so its finally here and iv been busy making lists!  legion  have gained one of the best models(units that I've seen so far)

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the hellmouth!!

for those living under a rock its this
Hellmouth Legion of Everblight Unit

so what's all the fuss about! well lift up the rock and come check out this unit! its a great support piece for ranged and CC lists that at 6pts will fit in any list perfectly

the mouth is the centre piece and is deployed 12" away from normal deployment along with advanced deployment units.

the mouth doesn't move
cant be moved or placed 
cant be taken control of
and takes 1 less dice of dmg

and it has a pns15 maw attack with a 2" melee range and 8 boxes 

so what makes it so awesome  well

firstly the maw removes small based models that it hits with its special ability which is awesome!

second its the never ending supply of tentacles which has the same rules as the move EXCEPT they are spd 5 with a pns10 weapon that when hits is removed from play and then large or smaller bases are dragged towards the mouth that stopps when it hits a model obstacle or obstruction if it hits the mouth it can then make an attack against it !!

at the start of the next turn though if u have less than 3 tentacles you get 1 added to the unit

if the mouth is removed the unit is removed and it only has 8 boxes so thaggy2 with dragons blood will keep it alive longer


Friday, 3 June 2016

the cryxian problem

so cryx and mk3  iv seen the leaked  cards  and my ultimate  skarre list has hit a massive problem

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her feat now only effects 1 model rather than her control range! so those pns20 mechanithralls is now a dream lol

so iv gotta re think ill still keep

denny1 denying the charge for a turn is awesome
goreshade lord of ruin bcoz those mechanithralls can be sacrificed in the name of making everything stationary

slot 3 is open for the new battlegroup caster

the send part of the problem is mainly waiting as the leaked cards got taken down ive gotta wait 9 days before I can download the warroom cards!

ill still want units like
bane thralls
bloat thralls
mainly anything thrall like and the wraith engine

as these will all fit with the casters I want