Saturday, 19 November 2016

3rd list done!

so ive seen the power of cavalry and recently iv been thinking of a 3rd list to pair with abby and vayl or a list that could take 1 of their places in a 2 list event and here it is!

Lylyth, Herald of Everblight - WB: +30
- Carnivean - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19)
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower - PC: 11 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11)
- Carnivean - PC: 19

Blighted Nyss Shepherd - PC: 1
Blighted Nyss Shepherd - PC: 1
The Forsaken - PC: 4
Strider Deathstalker - PC: 4
Strider Deathstalker - PC: 4
Annyssa Ryvaal - PC: 8
Spell Martyr - PC: 1

Hellmouth - Hellmouth & 3 Tentacles: 6
Blackfrost Shard - Sevryn, Rhylyss & Vysarr: 9
Blighted Nyss Raptors - Leader & 4 Grunts: 18

so this is my answer to infantry spam 

the raptors and annysa roll 3 dice to dmg living models with poison and weaponmasters they have an 21" threat for ranged and 13" for melee so they should be harassing from turn 2 with ranged 

annyssa supports the raptors with hitting and adds 2 extra shots of her own and with prey shell hunt solos all day long lol

deathstalkers well they will can kill 4 models a turn nothing is safe and feat turn with 3 dice to hit they'll do their job well 

black frost shard drop deff before and after feat turn and turn up the dmg with kiss it means the carniveans can do lots of carrying but so can the raptors combine it with parasite effective pns15 weapon masters become brutal lol

hell mouth is to increase trades with my heavies and block lanes

the battle group

bolt thrower helps with killing heavy infantry and knocking down jacks/beasts and gives lylyth snipe lol

carnivean's are their for the assassination run with the sprays on feat turn boosting the hit n rolling 4 dice I should hit most casters and its a 15" threat range

with lylyth ill be cycling parasite mainly or dishing out free charges for things that have been pulled close I am tempted to swap the forsaken for the succubus for the free upkeep to help keep me running at full fury every turn

Saturday, 12 November 2016

pic heavy post battle report time!

I am pretty terrible at remembering what games I've played and what's happened so here goes!

game 1 vayl1 vs gaspy1 assassination win

in this game I struggled with the undead and ren grave who eventually took out a hell mouth! I simply couldn't kill enough of them in time but proteus was a beast pretty much taking out the heavies by himself with buffs and once they had gone it was a matter of time and I forced the assassination by making his caster block my domination of his zone on the  next turn

vayl and fyann2  needs to pictures to show off fyannas list
game 1 vayl 1 won by assassination
game 2 fyanna2 won by assassination

so game 1 fyanna put fury up on the warspears  which makes them hit like trains! and played pretty aggressive running straight up the centre of the board

my turn 1 was pretty defensive and playing it safe  his turn 2 hed done lots of dmg taking out 1 hell mouth with cra archers which are awesome! and near enough killed off the other and was in a pretty gd position for turn 3 so with some hard measuring my turn 2 I set up a really gd assassination run like this

1 spell martyr ran up on the left past the house triggering a still as death the other ran up on the right to get near to fyanna2
vayl2 activates next moving casting incite then using the arc node to put a hoar frost on fyanna2 boosting it for the crit which I got which made her stationary
hell mouth activates placing a tentacle near fyanna then draggin her towards the hellmouth which did some damage but he used I think his only transfer to get rid of it
proteus charges and with +2 on dice from incite and auto hitting he went to work on her lol

game 2 I missed a trick  a reak was in a bush with animus up and fyanna2 at the other side I tried baiting and it didn't work

fyanna gallowed vayl1 who stopped when he hit a base
carnivean charges a tentacle sprays n kills it n then kills another in 1"
reak moves n jumps behind vayl boosts a few hits n shes down lol

I did play a game against kreugar 2 but that ended horribly with me forgetting how fury works lol  so here is an important lesson

only EXCESS fury is discarded so if ur full on fury and rile ur beasts make sure u discard some lol

Wednesday, 2 November 2016


so yesterday I tried out a 35pt vayl1 list to see what she's all about and get some practice as this will be the 2nd caster for my pairing

so the infantry core for my list is pretty much the same across all lists

blackfrost shard
death stalkers x2
hell mouth x2

its 29pts and (I can drop 1 death stalker to go down to 25) it then gives me a lot of options for mixing and matching with beasts and then sprinkling some other units in.

I played a 35 points list with the above units and proteus and a bolt thrower, which I'm really loving at the moment

I played against gaspy1 figuring that I need some practice with her for 2 reasons

1 is for divide and conquer so I don't end up locking in with her for the last game or dropping her into a game so I don't have to game 3 etc

2 practice iv mainly played against warachine lists and iv dropped abby2 with stunning results so I need to see what vayl1 will do for me and so I know what I can cant do against warmachine factions with her

so what have I learnt?
Image result for learning new stuff meme
obligatory pic to summarise lol

1 incite is awesome it makes the heavy hitters into freight trains as well as making them effective mat8 on average so high def jacks like cryx cant escape and high arm jacks like khador also have no where to go 

typhon becomes 19
scythean 19
carnivean 20/18
proteus 16/18

add in kiss from blackfrost shard and its  +X on dice depending on the beast which improves on the trading

although this is super risky with it being within her 9" command

2 even though her speciality is taking out hordes casters with malice she still has a decent ranged assassination threat for warmachine casters with hoarfrost ao3 pow14 with kiss n incite that can be effective pow18 and its a 3 cost spell so you can use it twice and its crit stationary so its allways worth boosting the first one so then the next one will auto hit and then you can boost dmg

3 leash also greatly improves our slow beast's giving them an extra 3" on movement which can make proteus a 15" threat range lol

4 chiller is -2 on def and combined with seraph and black frost shard even the highest DEF casters aren't safe  start with the seraph as you can boost the to hit roll then follow up with black frost shard using the ice cage spell and kiss last then after that the +2 to hit on melee

so 4 things to remember when bringing vayl to the table