Sunday, 4 June 2017

painting update

so its bin a while but heres what I'm working on

well first I finished rhyas
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extreme carnivean
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the skin was done slightly differently for this model as  I wanted it lighter than the others to make it like it is stretching as it grows, it still needs abit more to make the colour more even then I think 1 last wash then its all the muscle and other details

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is finally finished !!

swordsman champion
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finished except arcs n base 


so for fathers day I'm getting fyanna2 and jumping on the bandwagon with a flying list to drop into cygnar hopefully itll work out here is what I'm thinking


are a decent core  high deff for the feat turn and threat extension


are my heavy hitters with slipstream apparition and gallows they'll have a huge threat range

ill also need some support

sorceress n hellions

for fury management and cover from gun lines before I charge in

so that kinda rounds it out and finishes it off