every pair needs that certain someone, Bonny had Clyde Sunny had Cher and Abby1 has Anamag the doom feaster! Now for those that don't have any or many legion players in their meta then here is whats going down. anamag came out in the legion CID as well as a few other new blighted ogruns that rounded off primal terrors and made it a really strong theme to play in.
The only other thing to mention is ritual slaughter when a blighted ogrun kills a model she can immediately cast a spell (once per turn) which means u can quite easily throw out 3 gallows! or fury's strength on an extra unit for free u get the idea lol and her feat throws out grievous wounds and dark shroud (this will come up later).
play style
Before I go onto my list I think a small section on how she plays maybe important. Legion is known as the glass hammer faction, we hit hard then run off to safety lol well anamag trades that glass hammer for a full blown over sized sledgehammer! anamag is a infantry support caster more akin to a trollblood than the scalpel style of legion and backed by a host of overlapping support models she unrelentingly walks up the board taking space and names (and heads if your an unlucky troll) from anyone who dares stand up to her. So the juicy bit the list
primal terrors - benefits warmongers/warspears get vengeance and +2" deployment
chosen of everblight
so now well break down the layers of additional support and pick on some key models that make this list tick so lets start with:
Ammok the truth bringer! so what can we say about this crazy rock wielding dude except move over mist speaker your not needed here! this guys a 1 man kriel stone. first thing exorcist enemy models within 10" lose incorporeal, rise models stand up within 10" of him and within 8" of anamag he gives +2" range to her spells which is quite handy and he can remove enemy upkeep's on units within 5" of him and the model maintaining the spell takes d3 damage.
as long as your ogruns are within 10 then even if they get knocked down ur opponent isn't safe.
for me I use him to screen ammok and anamag and go to town on things on feat turn as he can go up to pow 20 on models engaged by friendly infantry and mat8 thanks to carnage the most important thing is his 3 abilities that he can choose each turn, the main 1 I use is +2 str/arm within 6" this makes your brick incredibly tough to take down and really hard hitting ill save the stats for each unit so nothing is spoiled lol the other is cant cast or channel spells (useful for pinning in models that may want to use spiny growth or lightening strike) finally all models gain concealment enemy models lose tough n -2 def within 6". All of these abilities are also applied to his ranged weapon which isn't to shabby pow15 aoe5 which means u can spread the buffs or debuffs out.
this is another new model to come from CID and while hes a hard hitting warmonger with 2 attacks he has horns with crit knockdown at mat7 but that's the not the best thing he has a mini feat that gives +2" movement and pathfinder and if a enemy model within 8" can see gorag they lose -2 def. Now I mentioned the layered buffs lets add a few so you can see the levels of crazy this list reaches! so gorag is always effective mat9 or 11 under carnage from anamag and mat13 if hes charged! now he starts at a respectable pns14/12 add in +2 from blightbringer +2 from fury's strength and feat that's an effective pns20/18 rolling 3 dice on the charge your going to be dice + something or straight dice on a khador heavy, hes not gunna have a problem denting things.
so Ive looked at the support models now lets go to the main core of the army the troops!
hellmouth since this gave us some board control and threat extension and staying power its been a thorn in many players sides but playing in this theme ramps that all up to 11! my newest tactic (that I stole) is 2 deploy my hellmouths in zones if possible and within 6" of where the blighbringer will end up in turn1 or 2 this gives me a few things. an arm20 mouth n arm17 tentacles rolling 1 dice if u cant boost you'll need to put in some serious work to remove them. not only that they go up to pns17/12 respectively while within 6" of the blightbringer and feat turn 19/14 not to shabby hitting at mat8 or even 10 if the target is staring at gorag lol and they can start at the 24" mark if u go second lol with an 8" command those tentacles can quite easily reach out and touch u turn1 if your not careful.
the humble warmongers when I started mk2 I had a unit as a buffer for thags with 8 boxes n he made them arm18 I thought they were nails hard. jump foreword to mk3 and some re work they dropped to 5 boxes but they are still no push overs! defensively they are arm16 base within 6" of the blightbringer they go to 18 with unyielding making them 20 against melee attack rolls ! pretty good so what happens when they swing back well mat6 base int great but carnage makes them mat8 near gorag mat10 n charging mat12 and starting at a respectable 14 with fury's strength 16 feat 18 and blightbringer 20 they'll chew through most things quite easily with berserk they'll even sort each other out lol with vengeance your not gunna want to kill these in melee lol
next up warspears the only other ranged unit in my list they have set defence so pseudo 14/18 near the blightbringer makes them abit harder to hit but not as hard to wound for dedicated heavy hitters with a 16" linear threat and path finder from the chief they have the longest threat range and at range can still put a dent in something with assault! my tactic here is put them and their prey infront of gorag so within 8" they can go upto rat9 and mat10 hitting prey target at pow21 (if u reach melee range on feat turn) or 19 at range 6 shots im confident on average dice of 7 will take a heavy off and a collosal in melee.
chosen saving literally the best unit till last these guys are probably one of the most durable units in the game and the most durable in legion by a country mile! so lets delve into the puddle of awesome that are chosen so my tactic is to throw bond of gristle and bone on them from anamag this buffs their already respectable armour from 17 to 19 but if u KD one then they are safe from shooting and magic LOL the second part of this tactic is to have them run turn1 and create a living barrier in front of the blightbringer and now they are arm21 with rapid healing for those that don't have access to this its D3 wounds back each time u suffer damage with 8 boxes they aren't going anywhere fast (unless you see a gallows grove no healing or tough makes them sad). so this is going to be a brutal 1-2 combo because I mainly use them as a massive speed bump for the first few turns and to threaten the centre of the board. so what happens when u decide to send these guys out n do some swinging well, they are cavalry (sp7 repo3) with a 12" threat hitting at mat9 with carnage and mat11 if gorag can see your target. rolling 3 dice to hit because they are cavalry with crit knockdown on a pow14 mount (16 on feat turn) as well starting at pns13 15 if charged 17 near blightbringer 19 from fury's strength and 21 for feat turn rolling 3 dice on damage that's a dead anything u want really lol
now back to play style continued I've outlined the awesome hitting potential of this list and for those drooling at the thought of wielding this heed a few words of caution.
1. whilst everything is super tough and hits hard deciding what spells to cast with this list are important as well as deciding what the free spell will be as this is done at any point do you use it for fury's strength on a unit that will vengeance or get carnage out early
2 positioning is super important with 25 40mm bases 7 50mm bases and 1 120mm base it takes up a lot of space on the board so planning deployment and unpacking will help with future turns as well as making sure that the over lapping layers of support are all in place as the top end numbers need everything to be just right other wise things will start to fall down
3 time! if your used to scalpel style lists with very few models that go straight for the assassination then you can quickly get bogged down in moving so practice speed moving and unpacking for the first turn or 2 so that you get quicker and vengeance moves and also working out what the different mats are and pow/pns the quicker u do this the less time you'll lose.
next time ill cover tournament practice !