Thursday, 29 November 2018

oops im late! and sweep attacks!

first time its late I was on baby duty but its here I've got 2 games to go through (no painting this week as I let my abbadon black dry up by leaving the lid open oops) against the same opponent and list!

the list circle orboros baldur1 dev host

2 doggies (heavies lol)
Nuala and her unit
tharn with axes
tharn with bows
some solos
double wolf rider champs
lord of the feast
some stones
an ambushing unit(from theme benefit)

I couldn't make the event I had planned last week due to illness but thankfully that gave me time to try and nail abby1 as much as possible and I am feeling much better about the double garg list than I was previously.

game1  Vs baldur1
 So after a few games I've started to figure out a semi decent deployment and this is how I dish out my up keeps
blightbringer has playing god
proteus has wild aggression
abby1 has refuge

after that I'm now aiming to cover as much board space and get those big bases up in my opponents face we played stand off and the aim for both gargs is to secure my rectangle and toe the circular zones making it a ball ache for my opponent to score.
 although I forgot to take a picture in between what happens it was all over my turn2  after turn 1 wed moved up and he couldn't really get many shots on him with Nuala and co because of flying high lol and he'd move up abit to much sat in a trench with no fury so I spent a good 20 mins clearing off key models etc so I could get a landing space for the AA baldur was sat in my -2 def no tough aura so I didn't really need to boost the fury was for boost the damage roll on my second attack and finishing him off.

game 2

Image result for sweep the leg meme

 So this picture is my pre amble lol We played the pit2 as above playing god starts on BB wild aggression with proteus and refuge on abby1.  So again this game I want the big bases to end up overlapping the zones to make scoring harder that was the intention but it didn't happen with the BB as I set up wrong in hindsight but more on that next.
 the top marker u can see is 14" for his ambushing unit in hindsight I should have had the blightbringer further down with protues front and centre with the hellions blocking LoS and abby1 and support behind I also went second in this game.
 I ran things up put out wind ravager sat on 3 transfers but that top hellion should have repo'd forward but I don't and I should have! And looking at these pictures I think I've missed 1 somewhere so here goes gap filling time!

not sure what turn this is lol

his turn 2 sees him bitch slap abby around and drop her down to 3boxes and and I barely manage to survive due to lord of the feast a whiffing on his attacks and b covering me from any other potential vectors 

highlights (winging it)
I pop feat heal up jam and end up going way above on time as he spent loads of time trying to chew through the high arm boxes and healing!

sweeps with -2 def n no tough are awesome for clearing lots of enemies quickly

this game ended with blightbringer and proteus being brought low the score was 3/2 to circle the AA was facing down the rest of his army with abby behind and her back arc away from everything in a ruin with ashen veil up 

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

next event

ive  not played a game yet this week so nothing to really talk about lol so im gunna do some general rambling and talk about the game I have planned etc

so my next game is vs doomy2 and I'm using abby1 as this is the list that needs more work to make it more playable.  So the main things that I think need work are as follows:

seems to be the only thing I can think off right now lol.  So what I think I need to work on is where things are going and how I'm going to put down my blightburst and spiritual corruption and where my hellions are going I've recently read another blog that sends them in 1 at a time so I'll possibly try that.

order of activation
just thought of this! The main problem here was knowing what to activate when so that I could get the most from my models. As I've got 2 gargs I need to get the most out of them each turn so paying close attention to where they can move is important as well as cycling spells etc.

so in this next game ill try to really focus on deployment and my order of activation.

Saturday im in York for a steamroller which is why I wana get this to a point where I'm semi happy.  I've played anamag a lot now so I'm fairly confident with my deployment and game plan.  Hopefully ill be able to get a win on the day well see.  Next week will be a decent ish report on who I played and what happened.

Onto the panting section this is the 2nd hellion just needs arcs doing and then I've got big blighty to do then Abby1 has a fully painted list! wooo! although this probably wont happen before this or the next event lol


Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Part 2 of 2

so this is the second installment from last week this time anamag goes into lilly1 again after a chat about the best way to go this is what happens 

 so I do a runner up the board like the first game to play aggressive and claim some board space
 I get vengeance moves but mainly because of getting shot to pieces and the repo5 I couldn't get into do any meaningful damage
 and as each turn goes on you can see that its just consistently removing models each turn
and I think this is where I end up getting killed because I couldn't transfer damage n failed tough lol

On to moral victories now!  I've nearly painted another full list! Left to paint is 1 hellion and the blightbringer then its all completed.  With the ice witches I tried to copy vayl1 that I did and incorporate the snow wreathed special rule they have.  So as they are a unit I decided to try n paint different things that could be seen through this magical storm but then couldn't decide which bits to do on each model so I ended up doing the same on all 3.

Last but not least this week I played abby1 into lilly1 to see if my anti gun tech was up to scratch I only managed to take this pic as it all went horribly wrong.  The quick version is legion doesn't like poison or parasite or both lol  the main thing that is important is that even if its your corner case list you still needs plenty of reps with it so that you know what to do.  So with that in mind im going to now focus on Abby1 to get a deployment that works with her and the combos of shutting down focus/fury and channeling.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

2 part part 1

Yesterday I got 2 more games under my belt with anamag and slowly but surely its starting to sink in.  It's going to be in 2 parts as I have loads of pics and itll will be enough to any die hard to sleep and its also late n I'm tired up late gaming last night proper rock n roll!  Anyway I'd been talking to Dan who I played about lilly1 in ravens with an AA as a counter to PT so this is what happened!

 so with my deployment I counter deployed against the hellmouth to be annoying and to stop charges and pulls on my stuff this game having anamag and ammok on the front lines worked better.
 nothing much to report just shuffled things up playing aggressive as hes using lilly1 double raptors so that was gunna be a problem for me

 oops blightbringer died to mass poison shooting ah well

 this turn I remove some raptors from the left group with war spears chosen and warmongers went to have a chat in the top circle for abit.

for some reason my phone is being a pain and ive flipped all the pictures but never mind I popped feat n dug deep removing the AA n pretty much everything else prepping for victory!

part 2 will include the rematch and the painting section!

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

getting things right!! and the archangel gets love!

So I've played another game with anamag PT as this is my main list I'm slowly ironing out the kinks, I've watched some battle reports with anamag PT here is what I've found.

Originally I was putting everything within 6" of the blightbringer and this made everything rock hard to kill but the trade off was that it was stopping me from getting up the board as quickly and I wasn't getting the most out of my 2nd warmongers and warspears because of this. 

During the latest battle report the hellmouths were more spread out to contest n hamper zones (something I did originally until I started putting them within 6 of the blightbringer) so I implemented this in my game I also spread out my units so they were all on the line and this is how it ended up
 so this is my deployment
and this is after turn1 and you can see ive run everything up and ive secured a lot more of the board because of this.  Now the downside to this is that not everything was in 10" of ammok for rise and not everything was in anamags control for her feat turn and carnage which sucks so for next time I need to try and swing the outer units inwards quicker than what I did in this game so they benefit more.

I've got a gaming day Saturday and games planned for Tuesday so ill have tonnes of pictures to upload on Wednesday!   before I go onto the stuff that's painted the archangel has finally gotten some love, it gained pathfinder went down to 35pts and gained flying high which is -3 to ranged weapons shooting him which means it should be easier to keep him safe when put with the sorceress and hellion.  Hopefully ill get some games in on Saturday with it.

I've spent the last few painting sessions doing my warspears and they are near enough finished now
from this picture I've finished the bases and done the skulls and got some blood effects to put on and bones to paint then the arcs and they are finished!

Wednesday, 24 October 2018


So turns out I prefer sleep more than blogging sooo I'll be updating the blog on Wednesdays instead.  Now that little bit of housekeeping is out of the way time for the main event!

I played 2 games yesterday against a welsh WTC player and while it wasn't super horrible I didn't win either game sigh! Oh well the good points were that I managed to keep up on clock and went to turn5 the downside was that my brick isn't working clustering up around the Blightbringer isn't viable so I need to look at a new style of deployment.  This game was anamag single chosen VS double chosen and anamag lol it was super grindy I need to now start to focus on getting scenario points now and getting that part of this list nailed.

 This is just after the turn1 run and I went for my semi standard deployment and I've pretty much done what I did last game got blocked in by scenery! ARGH!!!! As you can see the left zone was a mess with that house.

 Fast foreward to the end of the game after ive lost on scenario and nothing has really happened in that left zone because I got everything jammed up in my own face.

Game 2 and I'm looking at double gargantuan with Abby1 so I gave it a whirl with a refused flank style deployment again I lost on scenario although against his double thrones and double carnivean I killed 1 throne and a carnivean my mistake I think was not fully committing on feat turn I sent the Blightbringer in and he was killed by his entire army had I had proteus in and the AA to mess about with landing spots etc it may have worked out differently.  I also didn't score points when I could have which was another silly mistake.
Spoiler alert I've finally finshed the archangel and here he is in all his glory! 

ive also done some more work on the warspears, currently the fur is being painted and hair as its all the same colour

no idea why the white box is here it wont go away! but I'll be back next Wednesday hopefully having made less mistakes than this week.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

what happened next!

since last Tuesday I've been super busy ive done loads of painting mainly on the archangel!
it looks sooooo good and im very happy with how his new paint job turned out hes not finished yet but near enough.  I've also started the slog of painting all those ogrun.  The warspears just need fur doing now and some blood effects, I'm also thinking of tribal markings and patterns like snow cammo as they have prey and are more like hunters than the warmongers.  For the ice witches I've copied vayl as they both have snow wreathed and have tried to give off the impression that only bits can be seen as they are in a magical blizzard so ive picked out different parts of each model to try n make that work.

I also managed to play a game with anamag to get some practice in as moving all those models is a pain.  In between games I practiced deploying and moving turn1 as this is the part I can do at home to help shave off some time when it counts.  This has some downsides while learning to move and deploy on auto pilot is not a bad idea you should how ever take into account scenery and where its placed!
so for some weird reason I cant flip the photo round but that's not the issue what went wrong was I ran the chosen infront of the blight bringer who I'd lined up slightly off centre from the house which ended up bogging down that entire right flank in a bid to speed up so the lesson learnt is look at the terrain BEFORE moving key pieces.  The up shot in all this is that I reached turn5 before getting clocked which is a massive improvement on my last game where I ended up having 20min left at the end of turn 2.  My goal is set up and 3 turns in 20 mins! This shouldn't be completed un achievable as I'm running turn1.

Next week more painting stuff and more games this time against circle as I shuffle ever closer that goal.


Tuesday, 9 October 2018

the regular show!

So in the past few years I've very randomly posted when I felt like it but now I'm going to go for an update each Tuesday starting today!

So I'll start by tying in my first 2 posts, I'll be practicing using these as my tournament pairing having all ready entered 1 event this year where I finished 1 win and 3 losses I'm looking to improve upon that in December when I go to my next event.  I also want a fully painted list as well so I'm slowly  working through my models.  I've got plenty to keep me busy but I'm roughly doing 2 hours a week and I've got till December.  Over the next few months I'll be doing the odd here's what I've painted along with argh so many models to move! and a sprinkling of loose battle reports.  so short n sweet an overview if you will lol.

coming up next week regretting picking primal terrors as my main list!

Saturday, 6 October 2018

the other half

every pair needs that certain someone, Bonny had Clyde Sunny had Cher and Abby1 has Anamag the doom feaster! Now for those that don't have any or many legion players in their meta then here is whats going down.  anamag came out in the legion CID as well as a few other new blighted ogruns that rounded off primal terrors and made it a really strong theme to play in.

Related image

The only other thing to mention is ritual slaughter when a blighted ogrun kills a model she can immediately cast a spell (once per turn) which means u can quite easily throw out 3 gallows! or fury's strength on an extra unit for free u get the idea lol and her feat throws out grievous wounds and dark shroud (this will come up later).

play style

Before I go onto my list I think a small section on how she plays maybe important.  Legion is known as the glass hammer faction, we hit hard then run off to safety lol well anamag trades that glass hammer for a full blown over sized sledgehammer! anamag is a infantry support caster more akin to a trollblood than the scalpel style of legion and backed by a host of overlapping support models she unrelentingly walks up the board taking space and names (and heads if your an unlucky troll) from anyone who dares stand up to her.  So the juicy bit the list

primal terrors - benefits warmongers/warspears get vengeance and +2" deployment

chosen of everblight

so now well break down the layers of additional support and pick on some key models that make this list tick so lets start with:

Ammok the truth bringer! so what can we say about this crazy rock wielding dude except move over mist speaker your not needed here! this guys a 1 man kriel stone. first thing exorcist enemy models within 10" lose incorporeal, rise models stand up within 10" of him and within 8" of anamag he gives +2" range to her spells which is quite handy and he can remove enemy upkeep's on units within 5" of him and the model maintaining the spell takes d3 damage.

as long as your ogruns are within 10 then even if they get knocked down ur opponent isn't safe.

for me I use him to screen ammok and anamag and go to town on things on feat turn as he can go up to pow 20 on models engaged by friendly infantry and mat8 thanks to carnage the most important thing is his 3 abilities that he can choose each turn, the main 1 I use is +2 str/arm within 6" this makes your brick incredibly tough to take down and really hard hitting ill save the stats for each unit so nothing is spoiled lol  the other is cant cast or channel spells (useful for pinning in models that may want to use spiny growth or lightening strike) finally all models gain concealment enemy models lose tough n -2 def within 6".  All of these abilities are also applied to his ranged weapon which isn't to shabby pow15 aoe5 which means u can spread the buffs or debuffs out.

this is another new model to come from CID and while hes a hard hitting warmonger with 2 attacks he has horns with crit knockdown at mat7 but that's the not the best thing he has a mini feat that gives +2" movement and pathfinder and if a enemy model within 8" can see gorag they lose -2 def.  Now I mentioned the layered buffs lets add a few so you can see the levels of crazy this list reaches! so gorag is always effective mat9 or 11 under carnage from anamag and mat13 if hes charged! now he starts at a respectable pns14/12 add in +2 from blightbringer +2 from fury's strength and feat that's an effective pns20/18 rolling 3 dice on the charge your going to be dice + something or straight dice on a khador heavy, hes not gunna have a problem denting things.

so Ive looked at the support models now lets go to the main core of the army the troops!

hellmouth since this gave us some board control and threat extension and staying power its been a thorn in many players sides but playing in this theme ramps that all up to 11! my newest tactic (that I stole) is 2 deploy my hellmouths in zones if possible and within 6" of where the blighbringer will end up in turn1 or 2 this gives me a few things. an arm20 mouth n arm17 tentacles rolling 1 dice if u cant boost you'll need to put in some serious work to remove them. not only that they go up to pns17/12 respectively while within 6" of the blightbringer and feat turn 19/14 not to shabby hitting at mat8 or even 10 if the target is staring at gorag lol and they can start at the 24" mark if u go second lol with an 8" command those tentacles can quite easily reach out and touch u turn1 if your not careful.

the humble warmongers when I started mk2 I had a unit as a buffer for thags with 8 boxes n he made them arm18 I thought they were nails hard. jump foreword to mk3 and some re work they dropped to 5 boxes but they are still no push overs! defensively they are arm16 base within 6" of the blightbringer they go to 18 with unyielding making them 20 against melee attack rolls ! pretty good so what happens when they swing back well mat6 base int great but carnage makes them mat8 near gorag mat10 n charging mat12 and starting at a respectable 14 with fury's strength 16 feat 18 and blightbringer 20 they'll chew through most things quite easily with berserk they'll even sort each other out lol with vengeance your not gunna want to kill these in melee lol

next up warspears the only other ranged unit in my list they have set defence so pseudo 14/18 near the blightbringer makes them abit harder to hit but not as hard to wound for dedicated heavy hitters with a 16" linear threat and path finder from the chief they have the longest threat range and at range can still put a dent in something with assault! my tactic here is put them and their prey infront of gorag so within 8" they can go upto rat9 and mat10 hitting prey target at pow21 (if u reach melee range on feat turn) or 19 at range 6 shots im confident on average dice of 7 will take a heavy off and a collosal in melee.

chosen saving literally the best unit till last these guys are probably one of the most durable units in the game and the most durable in legion by a country mile! so lets delve into the puddle of awesome that are chosen so my tactic is to throw bond of gristle and bone on them from anamag this buffs their already respectable armour from 17 to 19 but if u KD one then they are safe from shooting and magic LOL the second part of this tactic is to have them run turn1 and create a living barrier in front of the blightbringer and now they are arm21 with rapid healing for those that don't have access to this its D3 wounds back each time u suffer damage with 8 boxes they aren't going anywhere fast (unless you see a gallows grove no healing or tough makes them sad). so this is going to be a brutal 1-2 combo because I mainly use them as a massive speed bump for the first few turns and to threaten the centre of the board. so what happens when u decide to send these guys out n do some swinging well, they are cavalry (sp7 repo3) with a 12" threat hitting at mat9 with carnage and mat11 if gorag can see your target.  rolling 3 dice to hit because they are cavalry with crit knockdown on a pow14 mount (16 on feat turn) as well starting at pns13 15 if charged 17 near blightbringer 19 from fury's strength and 21 for feat turn rolling 3 dice on damage that's a dead anything u want really lol

now back to play style continued I've outlined the awesome hitting potential of this list and for those drooling at the thought of wielding this heed a few words of caution.

1. whilst everything is super tough and hits hard deciding what spells to cast with this list are important as well as deciding what the free spell will be as this is done at any point do you use it for fury's strength on a unit that will vengeance or get carnage out early

2 positioning is super important with 25 40mm bases 7 50mm bases and 1 120mm base it takes up a lot of space on the board so planning deployment and unpacking will help with future turns as well as making sure that the over lapping layers of support are all in place as the top end numbers need everything to be just right other wise things will start to fall down

3 time! if your used to scalpel style lists with very few models that go straight for the assassination then you can quickly get bogged down in moving so practice speed moving and unpacking for the first turn or 2 so that you get quicker and vengeance moves and also working out what the different mats are and pow/pns the quicker u do this the less time you'll lose.

next time ill cover tournament practice !

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

im back part 2

so this is turning out to be a bigger longer and uncut edition of coming back to the blogging scene and now the juices are flowing im having trouble stopping.  So lets re cap with the list

sorceress and hellion
sorceress and hellion
ice witches

so ill go over a few choices and build up the current combos I'm using and we'll work our way down the list.  the theme oracles of annihilation for those reading that don't have much legion experience the main deal maker is starting with upkeeps in play is super good when abby is a fury6 warlock and has 3 upkeeps on her card its really good. 

now the giant dragon shaped elephant in the room the archangel and the secret sauce that is abby1 I think this is the best place for him for those wanting to use him in games and here's why.  with playing god hes sp8 threats 13" free charges and 21/19/19 and ashen veil makes him a pseudo deff 13 in combat some help to hit from puppet master and he has been getting plenty of work done for me. he still needs to be cared for and kept away from scary heavies that will wreck his face. I keep him back an soften things up with his gun and animus a pow16s if they hit are lethal and repo away and screen him (you can swop the naga for farrow Valkyries for shield guard).  Then should they fail to kill him feat heal an go crazy again LOL.

the seraph is a threat extender and mat fixer this pushes the humble carnivean to threaten 12/22 melee/ranged respectively with playing god also wild aggression makes him so good assault that can be pow16 as well and upto 7 attacks or 7 at 20/18/18 with playing god.

the sorceress and hellion explains the previous statement those wondering how you get 7 attacks with playing god is because of this beauty.  the hellion has a special rule called aerial coordination which lets flying beasts charge for free! hold up last time I checked he didn't have wings and that's true but like red bull abby gives him wings and free charges all round making this very fury efficient. wind ravager also helps mitigate some shooting but im finding against low mat ranged units running them up and jamming can be just as effective and asks a difficult question 

proteus with unyielding snacking rapid healing and a feat that fully heals him back up he's going no where fast! except directly to someone's face sporting an impressive 15" threat comprised of slipstream playing god and a 4" reach. with 7 attacks at 16/18/18

abby on feat turn can charge in and free up models pns15 mat7 with a 10.5-12.5" threat is nothing to sniff at.  She also uses blightburst to mess up order of activation and cycle key spells namely playing god. I've also been playing around with refuge on abby at the start with the intention of getting her into combat and then sprint away.  ill also mention that playing god is really easy to cycle and use as the effects only end when abby activates.

this is the core of the list that does the heavy lifting

the ice witches mainly hand out puppet master so far for re rolls but they have sprays to clear flags and zones

shepherd/forsaken is fury management

the naga is here for wraithbane mostly

and that's where I'm at with abby1 the next list is anamag in PT next time!

Monday, 24 September 2018

im back!

its been far to long but I'm back enjoying the game more than ever and I'm on a mission.

Absyolonia, Terror of Everblight - Making legion great again !!
So legion have been through CID and I'm loving the dragonspawn, I want to go over a caster I've been playing recently in my pairing and that's Abby1.  I've been having loads of fun with her in my games mainly because I feel like she is the secret sauce for one big sexy dragon.  Lets re cap on her card for those that don't play legion and not familiar with her skills and abilities.
elite cadre forsaken - friendly forsaken get ashen veil
resourceful- free upkeeps on models in its battle group
spontaneous mutation- abby can suffer damage during her activation to gain 1 of the following for each point suffered, the damage cant be transferred.

ashen veil
warp strength +2 str
wings +1spd and flight

her claws have grievous wounds

spells and feat
blight burst is a round spell aoe4 cost 3 rng10  enemy non warcaster models cant spend focus/fury or channel spells

playing god cost2 range 6 upkeep - targets a warbeast and they are affected by spontaneous mutation and once per turn are a free transfer (spoiler its awesome)

refuge cost2 range6 upkeep - as long as you hit a model you can move away ignoring free strikes another kool spell

wild aggression cost3 range6 upkeep - run/charge slam and trample power attacks for free and boosted melee attack rolls 

feat- panacea models in control range have all damage removed(yeah that's right!)  and they gain rapid healing and it lasts for a round 

list and synergies 
now the preamble is out the way lets get into the good stuff.  This is the current list I'm running at the moment 
abby1- oracles of annihilation 
spell martyr
spell martyr
sorceress and hellion free
sorceress and hellion free
forsaken free
ice witches 

comes in at 75 points 

and before it gets to long and clunky like a bad turn well leave it here tune it next time to see what makes this sweet list tick!