Thursday, 29 November 2018

oops im late! and sweep attacks!

first time its late I was on baby duty but its here I've got 2 games to go through (no painting this week as I let my abbadon black dry up by leaving the lid open oops) against the same opponent and list!

the list circle orboros baldur1 dev host

2 doggies (heavies lol)
Nuala and her unit
tharn with axes
tharn with bows
some solos
double wolf rider champs
lord of the feast
some stones
an ambushing unit(from theme benefit)

I couldn't make the event I had planned last week due to illness but thankfully that gave me time to try and nail abby1 as much as possible and I am feeling much better about the double garg list than I was previously.

game1  Vs baldur1
 So after a few games I've started to figure out a semi decent deployment and this is how I dish out my up keeps
blightbringer has playing god
proteus has wild aggression
abby1 has refuge

after that I'm now aiming to cover as much board space and get those big bases up in my opponents face we played stand off and the aim for both gargs is to secure my rectangle and toe the circular zones making it a ball ache for my opponent to score.
 although I forgot to take a picture in between what happens it was all over my turn2  after turn 1 wed moved up and he couldn't really get many shots on him with Nuala and co because of flying high lol and he'd move up abit to much sat in a trench with no fury so I spent a good 20 mins clearing off key models etc so I could get a landing space for the AA baldur was sat in my -2 def no tough aura so I didn't really need to boost the fury was for boost the damage roll on my second attack and finishing him off.

game 2

Image result for sweep the leg meme

 So this picture is my pre amble lol We played the pit2 as above playing god starts on BB wild aggression with proteus and refuge on abby1.  So again this game I want the big bases to end up overlapping the zones to make scoring harder that was the intention but it didn't happen with the BB as I set up wrong in hindsight but more on that next.
 the top marker u can see is 14" for his ambushing unit in hindsight I should have had the blightbringer further down with protues front and centre with the hellions blocking LoS and abby1 and support behind I also went second in this game.
 I ran things up put out wind ravager sat on 3 transfers but that top hellion should have repo'd forward but I don't and I should have! And looking at these pictures I think I've missed 1 somewhere so here goes gap filling time!

not sure what turn this is lol

his turn 2 sees him bitch slap abby around and drop her down to 3boxes and and I barely manage to survive due to lord of the feast a whiffing on his attacks and b covering me from any other potential vectors 

highlights (winging it)
I pop feat heal up jam and end up going way above on time as he spent loads of time trying to chew through the high arm boxes and healing!

sweeps with -2 def n no tough are awesome for clearing lots of enemies quickly

this game ended with blightbringer and proteus being brought low the score was 3/2 to circle the AA was facing down the rest of his army with abby behind and her back arc away from everything in a ruin with ashen veil up 

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

next event

ive  not played a game yet this week so nothing to really talk about lol so im gunna do some general rambling and talk about the game I have planned etc

so my next game is vs doomy2 and I'm using abby1 as this is the list that needs more work to make it more playable.  So the main things that I think need work are as follows:

seems to be the only thing I can think off right now lol.  So what I think I need to work on is where things are going and how I'm going to put down my blightburst and spiritual corruption and where my hellions are going I've recently read another blog that sends them in 1 at a time so I'll possibly try that.

order of activation
just thought of this! The main problem here was knowing what to activate when so that I could get the most from my models. As I've got 2 gargs I need to get the most out of them each turn so paying close attention to where they can move is important as well as cycling spells etc.

so in this next game ill try to really focus on deployment and my order of activation.

Saturday im in York for a steamroller which is why I wana get this to a point where I'm semi happy.  I've played anamag a lot now so I'm fairly confident with my deployment and game plan.  Hopefully ill be able to get a win on the day well see.  Next week will be a decent ish report on who I played and what happened.

Onto the panting section this is the 2nd hellion just needs arcs doing and then I've got big blighty to do then Abby1 has a fully painted list! wooo! although this probably wont happen before this or the next event lol


Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Part 2 of 2

so this is the second installment from last week this time anamag goes into lilly1 again after a chat about the best way to go this is what happens 

 so I do a runner up the board like the first game to play aggressive and claim some board space
 I get vengeance moves but mainly because of getting shot to pieces and the repo5 I couldn't get into do any meaningful damage
 and as each turn goes on you can see that its just consistently removing models each turn
and I think this is where I end up getting killed because I couldn't transfer damage n failed tough lol

On to moral victories now!  I've nearly painted another full list! Left to paint is 1 hellion and the blightbringer then its all completed.  With the ice witches I tried to copy vayl1 that I did and incorporate the snow wreathed special rule they have.  So as they are a unit I decided to try n paint different things that could be seen through this magical storm but then couldn't decide which bits to do on each model so I ended up doing the same on all 3.

Last but not least this week I played abby1 into lilly1 to see if my anti gun tech was up to scratch I only managed to take this pic as it all went horribly wrong.  The quick version is legion doesn't like poison or parasite or both lol  the main thing that is important is that even if its your corner case list you still needs plenty of reps with it so that you know what to do.  So with that in mind im going to now focus on Abby1 to get a deployment that works with her and the combos of shutting down focus/fury and channeling.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

2 part part 1

Yesterday I got 2 more games under my belt with anamag and slowly but surely its starting to sink in.  It's going to be in 2 parts as I have loads of pics and itll will be enough to any die hard to sleep and its also late n I'm tired up late gaming last night proper rock n roll!  Anyway I'd been talking to Dan who I played about lilly1 in ravens with an AA as a counter to PT so this is what happened!

 so with my deployment I counter deployed against the hellmouth to be annoying and to stop charges and pulls on my stuff this game having anamag and ammok on the front lines worked better.
 nothing much to report just shuffled things up playing aggressive as hes using lilly1 double raptors so that was gunna be a problem for me

 oops blightbringer died to mass poison shooting ah well

 this turn I remove some raptors from the left group with war spears chosen and warmongers went to have a chat in the top circle for abit.

for some reason my phone is being a pain and ive flipped all the pictures but never mind I popped feat n dug deep removing the AA n pretty much everything else prepping for victory!

part 2 will include the rematch and the painting section!