6th ed has been out for a while now (ish) and i thought id update my general army building tips from 5th as a few things have now kinda changed. firstly lets go back over the 4 main things for a list.
mobility - whether its deep striking or turbo boosting skimmers the army needs
to be able to get around
anti tank - we all know the metal boxs of doom are
on every table so a gd codex needs long mid and close range anti tank or a mixture
anti air - this is a new 1 most codex's can have several flyers their hard to bring down so u need a plan!!
CC unit - whether its decent troops a death star or a speed bump
units it should have some CC units this will differ from codex to codex but
each codex will have 1 or 2 dedicated CC units at least
allies - we can now atleast take allies this will work really well for synergy as you can choose an army that will cover any weaknesses your list has
synergy - the list
needs to be able to work together the units should perform certian jobs to
help other units and in the long run help u win :D
so like last time ill use my dark eldar 1750 list although those who read the other 1 will see their arent many changes lol
trueborn x4 (3 units) with blaster in venoms with dual splinter canons
wyches x5
venom dual splinter canons
heavy support
ravager x3
runes of warding/witnessessing
gaurdians x10
bright lance
warwalkers x3
scatter lasers
ok so lets run the new list thru the new criteria
mobility everything is still fast vehicles so my DE troops can go foreward and i have a unit sat back on my objective
anti tank 11 lance weapons with 36" range 12 blasters with 18" range and 2 units with haywire grenades then i have warwalkers with 36" range and they can go for light vehicles up2 av12
anti air - now i use warwalkers in conjuction with guide and they do really well although av12 flyers are harder to taek down needing 6's followed by 6's
CC unit i have my wyches and 1 has vect so i can win some combats jus gotta choose squishy things lol
allies the eldar give me anti tank anti infantry pyschic defence and an extra scoring unit
synergy adding the eldar with all their benifits has made a difference in most games especially at shutting down enemy psykers
another side note is fortifications now some armies wont need them but i suggest if u have a shooting army or ur allies are the shooting side who will be sat back then get the aegis defence line with a quad gun theyll help secure objectives provide cover and give u added anti tank they can also give cover to tanks as well!!
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