the main reason for choosing this caster is his CC support for his army particularly shredders manifest destiny adds 1 extra dice to hitting and wounding so a rabid shredder would roll 4 dice to hit and wound dropping the lowest dice that's awesome now add that to bigger things like the archangel POW 19 4 dice will tear even the heaviest of khador jacks a new pooping hole
the next best thing about thagrosh is his feat each warbeast in thagrosh's battlegroup not control area! can make a full advance and attack so the combo is manifest destiny for extra dice followed by an extra attack mwahahahahaahha
on to the paint job yea hes done with a near enough step by step guide. reading the fluff on ethag the dragon is slowly taking over his body and as all my warbeasts are purple I wanted a bit of this on the model to show the dragon taking over iv washed most of it and this is my 2nd caster that iv painted and im happy with the out come
as with all my legion I started with a white primer
the skin was washed 2/3 times with guilliman blue(gw blue wash)
then the next part is adding the purple on the skin I used druchii violet (gw purple wash)next I decided to the brown as this is the 2nd largest area for colour I used devlan mud (gw brown wash) and the skulls are ushabti bone washed with ogrn flesh (both GW colours)
next is the red using a carroerg crimson (gw red wash)
next I did the black with nuln oil (gw black wash)
I then did the metal with a runefang steel (gw silver) then washed this with druchii violet I then painted the contact points scorched brown (gw brown)
ethag done total time 3hours ish
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