butcher canon
36" str8 ap4 heavy4
now we have a new chaos codex comming out soon!! so wat about some new toys to make us even more divergeant from the main marines that mostly dominate every table heres the solution. each mark gives you a specific bonus for troops and if we look at chaos deamons each mark gives a specific set of abilities. now wat think wud work is giving marks to vehicles weve allready seen it with the deccimator deamon engine so why not roll it out for every other vehicle something like wat the deccimator does allready
having chaos dreadnoughts with mark of korne an butcher canons will easily be a match for those pesky grey knight dreads then we can pew pew them off the table
mark of khorne would add +2 on charge for dreads OR either extra shot or 1 point of str on the weapon so 5 becomes 6 etc 9 like psybolts lol but not specific to jus bolters
mark of tzeentch would give a 5+ inv save
mark of nurgle would either ignore results of 1 or 2 or make the armour 1 point better untill the first glance or pen (like necrons)
mark of slaanesh would give acess to all sonic weaponry dual blast master dreads any 1 :D
and i think this would work really well because from rumours the chaos codex will be like the generic marine codex each hq unlocks certain troops and then with my idea you could make all vehicles specific to the army your playing for example world eaters could have everything with the makr of khorne for extra fluffyness :D
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