so today ifixed up an airbrush that i borrowed and i was given a carnefex from a friend to practice with so here is what i found so far!!! iv been watching tones of videos for techniques on airbrushing etc on youtube so if ur wanting anairbrush check them out
a little bit about the air brush im using - im using a gravity feed with paint flow control and a compressor soican controll the amount of pressure going thru the brush their great for large models and tanks and beingable to control flow and pressure ucanbe really precise
firstly i think the layers go down quicker than a brush and are 100% smoother the pic below shows the fex after its coat of white
notice how clean the colour is no marks from bristles!!! the next coat is black which sounds odd but its a technique called pre shading
now this was a a little harder gettin the pressure and controll right andsince its a practice i dont care lol the black is a pre shade as i mentioned earlier so what iv done is sprayed the black where the recesses are the
wat will this do when i spray the talons and carapace 2 things will happen where the white is the colour will be brighter as white make scolours lighter where their is black the colour will be darker so we get the appearance of layering using 1 colour asthe black shades the dark areas :D
the next article ill spray the carapace to show the effects of preshading
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