Friday, 1 February 2013

new deamons list thoughts etc etc

now as a general 40k player  i try to stay away from  the instant choices in each codex and put together a viable list with out the key units the internet says will work.

and iv managed that with most of my lists   some times  raw killing power is lost due to awesome models etc etc  but generally i do ok.  with rumours off a new deamons codex shortly on the horizon i decided to set my self a challenge and here it is

lord of change


flamers x6
flamers x6
flamers x6

plague bearers x10
plague bearers x5
plague bearers x5

screamers x8
screamers x8
screamers x8

now  those who read net lists  rumours  tactics articles will see this is pretty much a net a list and their right it is.  so people may be wondering where the challenge is in playing a net list.  well here it is  i was speaking to a freind of mine about top tier lists and what makes them so powerfull is it the skill of the player OR the list or a mixture of both.  now the answer is to try 1 and find out as currently i do well with a chaos marine list in small tournaments  20 people  5-10  roughly  so if i take deamons and i start winning regularly  then it maybe the list that has made me better although i fel im in no way a bad player to begin with.

first thoughts  i have a baby version of this for a 1k tournament and here is what iv found ill talk thru each unit and break down wat theyll do or did lol

lord of change  is mainly flying harrassess flyers with  vector strike    and bolt  can also  go for quad guns etc

blood thirster will do the same  but much more reliably  with str8 thats only 4's to glance  much better than  6's lol  he can also  tie up  the death stars and jump around being a distraction so my other untis can harrass  without being tied up

flamers  becarefull with these i found out last nite 2 wounds if gd  but a 5+ save isnt lol  stay away from things like coteaz  go for a weak flank and work ur way down their also  gd as blockers for the troops  if u can wring a troop unit from a slow moving unit then can wall of death if their stupid enough to charge.  also  putting flamers near tanks is quite gd as most tanks so u hide behind the wreckages!

are crap  lets face it their terrible BUT if u take strategic traits  stealth ruins makes them alot better  +3 cover with 5+fnp is awesome also  u have 2 small 5 man units to stay on ur side of the board then the 10 man to try and get an opponent objective 

screamers are the icing on this  evil cake these guys are amazing  use them to harras  big units  or vehicles  either way their awesome  heres  how i used htem last nite

VS troops  turbo boost over a squad u will be charging  to do  d3 hits per screamer  at str4 that shoud significantly reduce the units strength if their stronger  use another unnits and slash them agen

turbo boosting is really important  1 u can move 36" a turn 2 u can attack 3 u get a 3+ inv save

then charge  also if u can charge with 2 units  i would suggest doing that as well as you get hammer of wrath attack before the combat starts so if we take hte big unit above  8d3 before combat then up2 8str5 hits before combat starts

against vehicles  str5 armour bane and ap2 means that  with 2 dice u can easily glance av12 but the number of attacks means u can risk going for higher av with certainty ul do some damage

final thing as these are the CC monsters  remember allways  turbo boost  3+ inv with 2 wounds makes them very hard 2 shift  especially in big units

final  thing  deamonscause fear  !!!!

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