Thursday, 9 July 2015
rage of sigmar!!! fight!!!
gd old gdub brought out a new game and to see how much cohunes they got I gave it a go!! at this point I didn't have much warhammer fantasy exp but ive played a few other systems and im sure iv use the above so when I found it I was quite happy
I also liked this 1 so im throwing it in their as I forge my narrative lol pun intended lol
so neway meme's aside 2 days ramblings is combat now its far 2 complex for a game they've aimed at kids and dumbed down to the point of bein retarded working out how many teeth ur righteous sigmarite has knocked out of some1's face is quite comples
and 2 demonstrate here is some other examples from other systems
warmachine/hordes 2d6 + MAT beat def to hit PnS +2d6 beat arm 2 wound
so to beat DEF 11 with a MAT of 7 u need 4 on 2d6 and to wound ARM 18 with a PnS of 10 u need 9
now that's quite simple
malifaux even simpler draw a card and add it 2 a stat highest wins and the difference determines damage very simple
40k roll to hit roll 2 wound then take saves equal to wounds taken and remove whole models before moving on
now these are pretty much str8 foreward while some are worded strangely (looking at u warmachine)
these maybe don't compare to RAGE OF SIGMAR!!!
so hitting and wounding is really simple its a set number and any body who understands what the dots mean on dice should be able to do this bit for example 4+ to hit 3+ to wound but then each weapon/item etc has a damage value and this is where it gets complicated
the to wound roll isn't how many wounds u do its a potential to do damage and the wounds that aren't saved are then converted into actual damage!!
this is a step that is overly complex and could be refined or taken out completely
so if a weapon wounds on 3's with 2 damage and the opponent fails 2 saves that's actually 4 damage even multi wounded models like the eternals with 3 wounds have trouble defending them selves
and this is down to the random nature of combat the only adventage is who's turn it is gets 2 choose who attacks first so their is even more chance that a big monster or unit can be taken out before they even get 2 swing
but this led to a debate on this style of failing a save equates 2 multiple wounds and how it should be done as their are no clear examples in the rules as to how it should be done
if the roll 2 wound's as they don't do damge should u then roll again if damage is a d3 or d6 and then take that many saves instead so that in theory uv saved every wound rather then taking saves against wounds then converting failed saves into damage
as GW don't give a fuck how u play then its entirely up to the players
a quick rant on mortal wounds wat a RETARDED rule do damage and u have no saves against this arcane bolt is a ridiculously stupid spell !! as any wizard can cast it this means most armies that took lots of wizards have an advantage another massive mistake !
so for my first game I played against the stormcast etarnals with
3 flying princes
as I finished first I got choice on turn n let my opponent go first n I got sudden death victory so chose assassinate on his hero
the mortal wounds killed of the flying guys turn 1
turn 2 we were incombat
turn 3 I managed 2 get priority n killed his hero with magic
it was quite easy and would have been even esier if it was a set turn order
the other problem is u can shoot into combat with no penalties and same for magic (if ive missed that rule then ooops lol)
which means no1 is safe he did kill belakor and 2 princes but still it wasn't enough which shows if u go magic heavy with big hitters this game is rubbish
and all these flaws make it a really poor game
game 2 and 3 will be more balanced and ill out number my opponent and well see if it makes a difference
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