now i do get asked on forums and at my local club about list list building or specific units and how to optimise them to make them better or make better use of them.
that gave me an idea ie time to blog!!! so i thought how do i build a list well primarily i am a gamer at heart and play tournaments so this is my main focus
first things first the codex and i ask these 2 main questions
how good are the lists (as im a gamer first this is the most important)
will i enjoy playing the codex
what are the models like as ill have to paint them and if i dont like them im not gunna want to paint them and is their any way to do the odd conversion to make characters or certian units stand out
after all these have been answered and iv found a codex its on to writing the actual list itself and ill choose a codex i allready have at random
a gd list should be able to deal with the current meta it also needs these 3 things and fit my play style some people prefer all CC or all shooting armies or hybrid this is also important
mobility - whether its deep striking or turbo boosting skimmers the army needs to be able to get around
anti tank - we all know the metal boxs of doom are on every table so a gd codex needs long mid and CC anti tank or a mixture
CC unit - whether its decent troops a death star or a speed bump units it should have some CC units this will differ from codex to codex but each codex will have 1 or 2 dedicated CC units at least
synergy the list needs to be able to work together the units should perform certian jobs to help other units and in the long run help u win :D
so lets go thru a which will be my DE 1750 pts but u can follow this method for any points limit
i take the baron
succubus agoniser
i take 3 units of trueborn with blasters in venoms with dual splinter canons
9 wyches in a raider with hydra and hekatrix with agoniser
2 units of 5 wyches with hydra in venoms with dual splinter canons
all units have haywire grenades
beast masters
ravager x3 night shields and flicker fields
lets go back over the list with the 4 points i laid down earlier
mobility - everything can turbo boost and the beasts are beasts so even their pretty quick
anti tank - this list has tons of anti tank the long range is 9 dark lance mid is 12 blasters and the short is beast masters and haywire grenades if i need them
CC - firstly my big speed bump is the beasts tonns of wounds and stealth and grenades thanks to the baron who will be attached to them this also acts as a destraction this leaves the rest of the army free to attack for the first few turns u can also claim cover saves for the venoms if their behind the beasts hehe which is dirty :P
synergy - basically how the list will work on the table the beasts go foreward to the middle of the table and sit in cover the ravagers hunt av14 while the blasters and wyches in venoms go hunt light armour with troops in and then shoot them 2 death with all the splinter weapons
and thats it list building if any body would like me to go thru any other codex's and build a list put it in the comments below :P
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