rite were about 2 or 3 months away from 6th ed and the new chaos codex so heres the rumours so far!! their in no specific order and ill jus give my 2 penneth on them wat theyll do for chaos players and the game in general
- Mark-specific vehicle upgrades reminiscent of the 3.5 Chaos Marines Codex may appear, such as Poisoned flamers for Nurgle, higher strength/lower AP weapons for Tzeentch, Sonic weaponry for Slaanesh and "brutal blades" for Khorne.
this i think is a great idea it means that for those who do mono armies their vehicles can be tied in and given the appropriate mark rather than jus a red/blue/brown/pink paint job
- New specific differences between Raptors and "Chaos Assault Marines". Raptors now a new cult for Night Lords Legion and "Chaos Assault Marines" being available to all Legions and markable.
this one is specifically for the night lords fans as most night lords armies were made redundant when the 4th ed codex came out so im sure theyll be happy to see this addition.
Troops choices will be Chaos Space Marines and Cultists - this is going back to older codex's giving players more choice so well see different build's alot of the new codex's are following this trend take GK for example
All Cult Marines are Elites
Special Characters will unlock Cult Marines as troops (Kharn for Berserkers and so on) - these 2 are very interesting very similar to the SM codex in that a HQ not only changes the FOC which is becomming more and more common in newer codex's it also makes lists more interesting (this maybe bcoz phil kelly wrote the codex)
Typhus makes Cultists into Zombies - this is a apoc rule im thinkin this will become more popular as well with chapter approved units from FW maybe tournaments will start lettin ppl use Fw that be awesome :P
Chaos Dreadnaught is removed and replaced with a new unit (like how pariahs were replaced with Lychguard) im not sold on this as iv heard rumours of a plastic dreadnought being done for the starter kit so well see
CSM now get a Flyer a Mechanical Chaos Dragon (model is done will be part of initial release) again their are rumours knocking about for this but i not sold on it i kno its different to regular marine stuff and u can argue the fluff for ever but well see how phill kelly handles it id like to go with suthin like its a deamon possessing a vendetta gun ship and then turning it into a different shape
Lesser and Greater Demons are gone not surprised really by this with 2 seperate codex's and the rumours that its goin 2 be like the SM codex style wise
Spawn replaced by “Fell Beast” i think thats the FW beastie
Rules for Traitor Guard are in!
Codex author is Phil Kelly cant ask for a better writer than phill kelly hes the best that GW have
Chaos Cultists are available in blob squads into the thirties... like guard squads
Certain Named Characters grant various USRs and other special rules to Cultists when selected. this has been mentioned above and is like the SM codex
"On HullPoints: If a vehicle has 3 hull points it will die after 3 shaken results, but it can still explode after 1 shot as normal. this is a weird 1 if u have 3 hull points wat about things like demonic possession? if thats still in vehicles will last ages and GK if they can keep casting fortitude then theyll last for ever as well
On Assault: All cc weapons have AP values in 6th similar to what was in the fake 6th ed rule book leak. this is also a strange 1 it makes weaker armies even weaker for example if a chain sword is ap5 then an entire squad of assault marines will ignore armour u wont need power weapons
On the flying Dragon thingy: Imagine a dragon made of "fire" and coverd in a platemale armor and you won't be too far off. That is the best discription I can give. Some of the concept art shows it mauling a valkyrie mid flight. It is pretty cool.
But I've said too much! " like above it makes sense hmmmmmm not sure dragons maybe OTT in 40k but well see wat phill can do :P
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