ok guys i played my first game of 6th ed and it feels like not much has changed and the cahnges i do like over watch and unit deployment and positioning are massively important
heres how i broke 6th ed
when you roll to wound you create a "wound pool" now lets say for example(as this juss happened) vect is the closest model to the firing unit and the wound pool is 6 dice. the rulebook states
if after the save is taken it reduces the wounds of the model to zero u move to the next model
(heres where it breaks) a unit of wyches are in range to be shot up and the firing unitg ets 5 wounds for the wound pool
the closest model to this unit is vect so poor vect has3 wounds which means before the wounds will pass to the next model behind him he has to fail his 2+ inv save :(
now grey knights can do this even better!! have a paladin at the front with awarding stave and an apothecary he then has to fail his 2+/2++ and FNP before any wounds will go to the next model
if you can have battle brothers with your allies this can get really crazy!!!
combat isnt as bad as i first thought its really quick to move 3" so its ok
deplyoment was the 1 where u deploy on the back of the short table edge n this is amazing for every shooting army sit half way back so when they get 2 the midway point u can start shooting and still be well out of harms way
warlord traits are fun but i didnt bother using my outflank skill
peopleusing venomsdont worry !! their still just as resilient with flicker fields :D
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