im quite happy my final 5 games of 40k 5th ed were these
game 1 vs pedro kantor marines this was a back and forewards game and turn 7 i needed 2 marines left on the objective to stay and they fled and i cudnt charge them so it finished in a draw!!
game 2 marines with shrike nice easy foot list i turbo boosted up it was DOW and i refused flank out the wayof the nasty las canon then vect and his unit jumped out and went thru 2 units before dieing to a 10 man termy +shrike and chaplian then i turned 5 venoms and3 ravagers on the rest of his army win for DE!!!!
game 3 was shooty orks and i got annilated the list was evil but i managed 2 get 990 points by killing his warboss nob bikers and half a unit of boys
game 4 vs nids it was a gd list and he mitigated my shooting with FNP and hiding andgd deployment (ifidhavewon this i was in for a shot at 3rd)
the final game number 5 vs the dreaded gay nights hisbest unit rolled up and thru cover and immobiliesed itself turn1 so it waspretty much out till turn 3 i focussed fire on his 10 mantermies on his objective and he got sum lucky shots and took out 2 ravagers(over turn 1+2) at this point he deep struk in a unit of 10termies i wipedthem out in 1 go aswellsthe dreadknight and vect went forward turn 4 i finished off the dreadnought in cover ( it was immobiliesed with no weapons) then vect went into combat with 9 wyches against 7 terminators and vect killed 4 (squad did jack shitt) my wyches survived and turn 5 he did a little shooting i blew up the dread vect finished off wat was left of the termies and we stormed onto the objetive!! game was pretty much done here he tried shootting my wyhes on hisobjective i went to ground +3/4+ FNP they werent goin newhere!! i tried to blowup the last chimera got a weapondestroyed n half VP for it
final result 55 points out of 100 and 6645 VP's ( i tied with sum1 else who had the exact same)
5th has finally finished im happy with winning my last game of 5th ed now im looking foreward to painting up dating my dark eldar ill stick with them n get them some eldar home boyz!!
well since no1 knows exatly will be on top its still all speculation BUT im currently scouring the internet looking for trends for lists to see what i can do now 1750 is my standard games limit and its a bit of asqueeze getting in everything i want aswell as allies
my eldar contingent looks like this
fire dragons x10
wave serpent
vector engines
scatter laser
pathfinders x7
war walkers x3
this is a very defensive contingent eldrad sits with the pathfinders casting either guide on the ravagers which will help me take down those harder vehicles (it also counters my crap dice rolling)
war walkers then kick out 24 shots at any vehicle that wants to go for my objective and either way u look at it its gunna die lol the other good thing is they can take down flyers with guided shots i can also doom 2 units which will be awesome for venomsand my counter assualt unit not sure wat that will be yet
the final part is the waveserpent moves up supported by trueborn with a hard unit anda troop unit 2 capture
as objectives are nowonly 6" apart if i can place as many as i can then ill make a triangle in the open around the centre ofthe board which means my opponent will be inmy 36" range as he tries 2 capture objectives and wat not lol
i now have 942 points left for the main bulk of my army and im not sure what ill need
roughly i have this in my head
trueborn x2
wyches x5
wyches x9
their are still things id like 2 try im happy with both sides of the army andifcomesin at 1750 on the dot
dark eldar side ravagers sit at the back and help WW shoot stuff hopefully with either these 2 guided or WW and 1 guided i should take down 2 vehicles a turn
then ihave wyches 2 take objectives and a big nasty wych unit with vect to harras other units the grenades open up the options to get extra VP from tanks and things
at the moment i now need 2 work on getting the eldar bought and giving the list a trial run
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